Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Call

I just had the phone call that I wasn't looking forward to after receiving the text message yesterday from Alissa that her mom had just passed away.  That seriously was one of the hardest things that I've had to do in a really long time.  I just didn't have any words to say.  All she kept saying were there no words to explain this.  So all I could do was just sit there and cry with her.  And maybe that's what she needed, I have no idea.  I felt like I was useless to her because I didn't feel like I was doing a very good job comforting her.  I know that the next few days are going to be really really hard on the family so please keep them in your prayers.  Please don't take granted the time you have with the people you care about.  I know that's sometimes very easy to do because I know that I'm very guilty of it.  And don't forget to tell them you love them because they might not be there the next time you try to tell them!  I know Alissa would give anything to be able to tell her mother that she loves her just one more time!  So with that said.....I love all of you!!! :)