Wednesday, January 14, 2009

What Makes You Successful?

Well I know its been a few days since I blogged but I've been crazy busy!  Monday was pilate's, Tuesday was Carnegie, and then tonight some girlfriends and I went to Chili's for dinner then to see Bride Wars.  It was a super cute movie in case you're wondering!  Anyways on to what I really wanted to talk about....

Like I said a few posts ago (it had to only be a few because I think I've only blogged twice) we have a company wide devotion every Wednesday.  Today's speaker was awesome!  His name was Michael Easley and he's the new teaching pastor at Fellowship Bible.  Before coming to Fellowship he was the president of Moody Bible Institute in Chicago.  So he knows his stuff!  One of the things that stuck out to me was something he said at the very beginning of his talk.  It wasn't even the main point of what his talk was about.  But I guess it doesn't matter what you take away from a sermon it's just important that you take something away!  He asked the question "what makes someone successful"?  Is it getting married, having kids, making a lot of money, having the perfect car, and so on and so on.  And my first gut answer was getting married and having kids!  I thought about that question through the whole sermon.  I asked you not think you're successful right now?  You know I really do think I'm successful right now.  I have SO many things to be thankful for.  And just because I get married and have kids doesn't make me successful, now it may make the "future" husband be considered successful if he can put up with me.  I have the coolest, one of the most rewarding, awesomest :) job anyone could ever ask for!  I help people find hope in their lives every single day!  And if that's all I was here for then that's enough for me!

Then after seeing Bride Wars tonight made me realize that I've very blessed in another part of my life as well.  Short version of what the movie is friends for 20 years both get engaged... things get messed up and they are both booked at the same day at the venue of where they have dreamed of having their weddings at for 20 needs to move their date neither one wants to....big fight they don't talk.....blah blah blah!
At the end they obviously make up and things are picture perfect.  But Murphy Brown (I can never remember her real name) is doing like a talk over thing and said something that went back to this morning for me.  She said "you know everyone finds a soul mate. It may be in your spouse or it could be the person that has stood by you through everything and knows you better than you know yourself and still loves you".  I was like she's completely right!  
Allison and I have been best friends for 13 years now.  And holy cow have we been through some things!  High school, prom, first cars, wrecks :), youth trips, graduating and thinking "what the crap are we going to do with our lives", moving 12 hours away from home together, living in a one bedroom apartment together, her marrying the guy of her dreams, them moving back to TN without me, her flying back to FL to help me make a super hard emotional 12 hour drive moving back home to TN, her birthing the 2 most beautiful little nephews that I'll ever have.  There was also a lot of heartache thrown in there for me!  she was ALWAYS there for me through one of the hardest times in my life.  Well we were there for each other in that situation.  She doesn't always have the answers for me but she's ALWAYS there if I just need to vent about something.  So in the end I think that I am a much successful person because of my BFF Allison in my life!  And even if I haven't found my "husband" soul mate she will forever and always be my "BFF" soul mate!  Thanks for loving me even on those days that I'm unlovable....I know there have only been a slight few of those days! ;)


Jennifer said...

I took that away from the movie too! It made me missing having my BFF here all the time. It was a sweet ending! :)

Anonymous said...

That is the sweetest thing ever! You made me cry. We have seriously been through some stuff!!! I am so lucky to have you. Love you so much! Definitely friends for life!

Anonymous said...

Hey Congrats on making me like the worst blogger of 2009!!! Hehe... so maybe I'm actually doing that to myself by not blogging, but very cool post! I am so excited about seeing you in less than 2 months!!! woo hoo!

Jennifer said...

hey! I tagged you!