Monday, January 19, 2009

The Mind!

Whoever said that the mind is a powerful thing has obviously never met mine! My mind is lethal! Have you ever had a dream that felt so real that you woke up mad at someone? I had a really rough night last night. To start with I had one of the worst migraines that I've had in a long time yesterday. So that meant that I had to drug myself up and I sleep all day. Since I slept all day I knew I would have a problem sleeping last night. That's always a really bad thing for me because my mind goes about 90 miles a minute. I have the ablity to get mad at someone just by playing something over and over in my head. I hate that I do that!
So last night I had the worst dreams! I dreamed I was in Florida and it was HORRIBLE! There were certain people that were so mean to me. I woke up this morning with my feelings hurt so bad and that's all I've been able to think about so far today. I know it was just a dream but it was SO real. Hopefully I'll get over this as the day goes on! :)


Kristine said...

I totally know what you mean! Cliff has fallen prey to the effects of a very real dream where he was the culprit of some dastardly deed... fortunately he's patient enough to remember and to remind me that the bad mood is about a dream and NOT anything that actually happened. Hope your day is better!