Monday, February 23, 2009

I'm Better!!!

Well this past week has been something else!  I'll give you a brief rundown!  Well remember when I had to go through all that crazy blood work?  I got the results back and the doctor told me that I was a "pre" diabetic or insulin resistant.  I got this super cute little blood checker, I still don't know the technical word for the stupid little thing.  I had to check it first thing in the morning and two hours after dinner.  I had these certain numbers that I needed to get within to be good.  She gave me the choice to try and fix it myself with diet and exercise or go on some medicine.  So I decided on choice number 1.  After the first week I got frustrated and thought that since I was dieting and exercising the numbers should be changing.  I mean seriously I had lost 13 pounds, they should have been doing something.  So I gave up and called the doctor and said just put me on the medicine.  I'm all about a "quick" fix!  Well little did I know that was going to be a complete disaster! With this medicine you have to build up adding 1 pill a week until you're taking freaking 4 pills a day.  Week 1 was fine.  But the day that I took 2 pills everything went completely downhill and I mean fast.  The first day I just thought that I was having a bad day.  Then day 2 happened and I couldn't hardly open my mouth without crying.  I had to go home early from work and was out the next day too.  The more I read about it the more it made sense.  My body was trying to get my sugar levels under control while in turn sending me WAY out of control!  This happened to me a few years ago but I had completely forgotten about it.  So I immediately stopped taking the medicine and I'm going back to doing it the right way.  I'm sure everyone I was around was like seriously what the crap is wrong with her.  And listen if you felt that way please keep it to yourself!  Great news is that I'm feeling completely normal again and I can have a conversation with you and not cry!  Yay! :)

OK now to a much more serious question.....
I'm thinking about chopping my hair off again!  I'm not talking above my ears or anything, just shorter.  I am trying to grow it out for summer so I can have a ponytail.  But the past couple of days I just feel blah!  I feel so sassy with shorter hair!  Tell me what you promises that I'll listen but I'm still curious.  Cut it or grow it......


Julie said...

I'm so sorry that you went through that! I am glad that you are feeling better though and I'll be praying that this will go okay without meds.
About the hair - how short we talking here? I've never seen you with longer hair so I'm not sure.

Anonymous said...

I am very glad that you are feeling better!!!

I cant decide about the short or long hair. I think this is the first time ever that your hair is longer than mine. You do look cute with short hair but I am wishing that mine was longer so I just don't know what to tell you. Not that you would listen to me anyways!