Hey Guys, or just Allison because I know she'll read this. I'm not really sure about anyone else. I have started probably 2-3 different blogs in my life. The reason is because I want to be a blogger SO bad but I have a problem thinking of things to blog about. But since this is a brand new year I have decided to make "blogging" a New Year's resolution. I have a lot of "New Year's resolutions" that I'll eventually get to on here!
One of the biggest goals that I am determined to accomplish this year is "finishing" a half marathon. I put finishing in quotes because I don't really care if I have to crawl across the finish line, I'll finish it! I am very blessed to work for a company that is constantly encouraging everyone to better themselves in ever area of their life. Another thing that I'm really looking forward to is in February they always start a "Lampo Losers" competition. It's a 12 week competition of weight loss and it's AWESOME! Last year I lost about 30 pounds and sad to say that I gained about 10 pounds back. But hey the good news is that I didn't gain all of it back!
I've been waiting for Dave to do his annual goal setting devotion. I have been looking forward to this devotion for months now. Oh in case you don't know we do a company wide devotion every single Wednesday together. We have had so many diverse speakers come in and its awesome. So Dave usually does a goal setting devotion for us the first week in January. BUT it's looking like he's not going to do it. So I'm going to have to motivate myself to get my goals in writing. Here are a few that I'm for sure about.....
2009 Goals
~train and finish a half marathon
~workout on a regular basis and start to enjoy it (Chad just told me that "it's not the workout itself that you learn to love....it's the satisfaction you feel afterwards". I'm going to have to constantly remind myself of that one!)
~do the Lampo Losers and kick some serious butt in it!
~get on a schedule of cleaning my room every single Saturday. I have a problem of not doing it for so long and then it's horrible! So I figure if I do it every week it won't get out of control.
~start taking the stairs at work
~get involved in a small group (that almost happened this past October but they asked me at work to take Carnegie so I did that. Carnegie is over in 3 weeks (YAY) so I want to try and get in the one I couldn't do.
~finishing Carnegie! I do only have 3 more weeks but this has been a HUGE accomplishment for me. I had no desire what so ever to do this class but I am thankful a million times over that I did it. The one thing that I stressed myself out the most was that they give out awards every single week. I was so scared that I wouldn't win one and I would have been so embarrassed. But good news I won my SECOND award last night!!!!
~PAY MY CAR OFF!!! Then I will be completely DEBT FREE! When that happens I can start saving to get my own place. I don't want to move out of my grandparents until I am debt free and have a good amount of savings. I'm very lucky that I'm able to live at home!
~sponsor a child from another country (accomplished I just sent the info in on Monday)
~travel more- I do need someone to travel with...who wants to go with me???
~read more....well actually finish the books I start! I have gotten in a really bad habit of this!
I know that there will be more added to this list in the next couple of days. But at least this is a good start! I'll keep praying that Dave will do the goals talk!!! I am going to try my best with updating this. If I'm slacking call me out! I hope this didn't bore you guys to much!
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